Discover an innovative way to connect with the professional world.


icono de compra

Fill the form

Contact us through the contact form to make the payment.

icono de formulario

Make payment

Make a single secure payment

icono de herramientas

Sign in

You will receive an e-mail with a username and password, which you can change later.

icono de manilla

Receive your E.B. Card

Receive product in 5 to 10 business days

icono de datos progegidos

Your data

Record the data that will appear on your digital E. B. Card.

icono de herramienta customizable


Change your profile picture, cover, work information, networks and more...

Businessman looking at his contact information on his cell phone because he scanned an E Business Card qr code


Your Digital Business Card

A digital solution for your business cards that you can always bring with you, and it's hands-free. Don't miss any more connection opportunities.

Tired of conventional business cards?

Welcome the future with E Business Card! The digital business card that allows you to share your professional information in a simple and ecological way.

Instead of having paper business cards printed, which end up in many people's trash cans, you can have your data digitally.

By scanning your handle, people will be able to have your contact information that you want to share, instantly on their phone. They will no longer lose your data.

Cell phone in a person's hand, all contact information is visible.
Woman at her job as a waitress, smiling and showing her cell phone with all her contact information.


Access Everything with a Single Scan

Accessibility redefines networking with the E Business Card. Your contacts can be easily saved in their cellphones with a simple scan.

From there, they will be able to communicate with you via WhatsApp, make calls, send emails, explore your social networks, visit your website and explore your portfolio, all from a single screen.


Your Information, Safe in the Cloud.

Welcome the future with E Business Card! The digital business card that allows you to share your professional information in a simple and ecological way.

Instead of having paper business cards printed, which end up in many people's trash cans, you can have your data digitally.

By scanning your handle, people will be able to have your contact information that you want to share, instantly on their phone. They will no longer lose your data.

Padlock with the E Business Card logo in the center, indicating that all your data is safe and secure.
icon of leaves representing care for the environment

Environmentally Friendly

Contributes to a sustainable future by eliminating the use of paper cards.

Icon of tools representing the customizable E Business Card

Fully Customizable

Add your profile photo, update personal information, and contact number in real time.


Join the E Business Card Renewal!

Fill out the form with all your information so we can contact you

*Available only in Colombia and Canada



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